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“Circular Construction Economy”: a RE-MED training program held at the American University of Beirut

The RE-MED project: “Application de l’innovation pour le développement de l’économie circulaire pour une construction durable en Méditerranée” co-financed by the ENI CBC MED program and led by Cerema (France), is a partnership between 4 countries around the Mediterranean (France, Italy, Lebanon, and Tunisia) to promote the use of circular economy in the construction and demolition waste sector.

To attain its objectives, RE-MED works on enhancing knowledge transfer across the Mediterranean and disseminating information to new generations through training programs held in its different partner countries.

In Lebanon, the RE-MED training program entitled “Circular Construction Economy” will take place from February 20th, 2023 till February 24th, 2023 at the American University of Beirut (AUB).
The program (held in English and free of charge) will introduce students to different methods of environmental and economic modeling such as LCA, LCCA, micro and macro-economic modeling and will familiarize them with BIM modeling as a project collaboration method. The training will be given by experts from the different partner countries of the project and will include a field visit to a construction and demolition waste recycling facility in Lebanon. The training will be attended by students in their last year of bachelor’s degree, pursuing their Master’s or their Ph.D. studies.

Following the closure of the application submission window, 45 students from 5 different countries (including Lebanon, Tunisia, Cameroon, Ivory Coast and the Netherlands) and from 10 different institutions expressed their interest in joining the training. Accepted applicants have been sent acceptance emails and preparations for the training program are being finalized.


The American University of Beirut is proud and looking forward to hosting the first version of the RE-MED training program!



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